Body Shoppe Therapy
Created a logo for a massage therapy company utilizing the tools of the trade in the final design.Build Pro
Designed a slick logo for a roofing and restoration company that displayed strength and a call to what they do.Global Disply
A production company specializing in photo, video and music commissioned me to design a logo for them. They wanted the imagery of a compass used somehow, […]Double J Franchising
Designed logo for a Franchising company that specialized in the restaurant industry so using recognizable imagery of that industry was imperative. Creating something with a coat […]Dharma Tees
Designed a logo to be used for apparel that had a soft and watercolor pleasing elegance.AG Construction
AG Construction specializes in residential construction, so I wanted to signify that through its logo, have its initials be the foundation. Bold square-like lettering was used […]Crossfit Zionsville
Designed a series of graphics for tees to be sold and worn at Crossfit Zionsville gym. There was a lot of play with verbiage and typography […]Hybrid Apparel
Here are a few samples of tee graphics I’ve done for Hybrid Apparel for the Girls and Juniors line. Also included are some license art for […]Hybrid Apparel Burnouts
B U R N O U T S : My day may consist of digitally engineering the look of burnout patterns in various garments. When a […]Hybrid Apparel Knits & Fabrics
K N I T S & F A B R I C S : My day may consist of digitally engineering the look and feel of […]Split Clothing
These are tee graphics I did for Split. With deep roots in skate, surf, music and fashion, Split produces contemporary clothing and accessories for young men […]Hybrid Apparel Washes
W A S H E S : My day may consist of digitally engineering various fabric washes like potassium, oil, mineral, and crystal washes. From working […]