Hybrid Apparel Fashion Body Sketches
B O D Y S K E T C H E S : Referencing a pattern card and or a sample, these fashion body sketches are […]Bardot Salon
This logo was drawn and highly stylized in Illustrator to go with the feel of this classy shi shi salon.Hybrid Apparel Prints & Patterns
P R I N T S & P A T T E R N S: My day may consist of designing prints and patterns to lie […]Hybrid Apparel Tie Dye & Dip Dyes
T I E D Y E S: My day may consist of digitally engineering tie dyes and dip dyes of garments. From working directly with a […]O’Neill Clothing USA
These are tee graphics I did for O’Neill Clothing USA, one of the leaders in beach lifestyle sportswear in the U.S., Japan, and Europe. Having grown […]